Author: Hoi Ming TSUI

Free design requirements - CW2 :

  1. Float is used at Buccellator and its information to sepeate from left and right core.css[200]
  2. Grid is used in menu for 7 images at order page core.css[219-222]
  3. Header including logo and navigation bar is set to be always on top of screen (position fixed) core.css[30,33]
  4. Header,Footer and fieldset have round corner and box-shadow core.css[24,47,54]
  5. Video and OrderInfo as well as menu images are responsive
  6. Box-shadow is included at header, navigation, footer core.css[26,48,135]
  7. While hovering bake items images, there is a pop up animation with shadow below core.css[206, 231]
  8. While hovering Total amounts in table, both background and text letter are in contrast core.css[168]

External Style, grouped from the positioning layout at top to bottom or else from class to id with comments

CW3 - requirements

  1. Event handler setup order.js[64,65]
  2. External script is mainly used

References/ Scources of Informations and/ or ideas used in my design

  1. Color Scheme used in background color as well as font color
  3. Stack Overflow
  4. CS 2204 examples